2013年4月29日 星期一

29.4.2013~ My dad got a special birthday!

Yup, 29 of april my lovely daddy birthday. But this year he got a special birthday...How special is it? Well, this is his first time birthday without me celebrating with him. I can still remember when i call back to Malaysia-to him..i spoke the first word is "daddy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY...and than i immediately ask, are you surprise ??are you?? And he answer me cooly, i though u forget my birthday? o.O
little cake for you
At that moment when i listen to his voice, my tears just "going to drop down". I really miss him a lot! but i just don't want him to worry about me, so i kept on giggling around >.<

Well, and this is how i celebrate my daddy birthday ~ LOL...ya ...is just simple, no candles, no cake...just a lovely words~ Happy birthday dad, you are my hero!! take care!

you are my super hero! best dad ever
OH MY GOD!! daddy, i will never forget your birthday ok!! i even buy your present already...just is too expensive to pos it back~  ><

"never left you family alone, give them a greeting, a words, makes their life warmer."

