2013年5月9日 星期四

Celebrate happy mother's day early~~(teacher part)

Today, we gave our teacher a big surprise~~ We celebrate happy mother's day early, as a special thanks for our teacher~~ No surprise, our teachers is shock with this special "event"~~haha~~

 student waiting downstair to give teacher surprise~

 5 beautiful teacher~

 cutting cake~

 big love full with cards, made by students

 cute card la!!

 beautiful flowers~~~

 the cake is really big and delicious!!!

 do u think this <small teacher> is cute and beautiful? well, of corse she is not a mother~

 this is our painting teacher

 the most beautiful teacher of all!! she teach us about the ingredient in the skin care product~

she is the most strict  the of all, but she really care for us!!is she fashion!!!grey hair

